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About Easy-Joomla Print
Sunday, 31 December 2006 13:26

The EasyJoomla!-Project is the product of the fusion of a few Joomla! enthusiasts, who made it their business to develop extensions for the web content management system Joomla!. According to the Joomla! motto "power in simplicity" these extensions will convince you of the easy handling and extensive functionality.

In addition to these basics, our extensions have a high security standard and a fresh and nice design.

All publications of the EasyJoomla-Project are released under the terms and trades of the GNU/GPL license. This supports the opensource-idea and makes modifications of one of our extensions as easy as possible.

Currenty the EasyJoomla!-Team consists of 7 members:

  • Achim Raji - Quality Assurance, Webmaster, Support
  • David Jardin - Project leader Easybook & EasyCaptcha, Lead developer
  • Cedric May - Project leader EasyComments, Designer
  • Sigmund Langsch - Support, Developer
  • Aurel Rothärmel - Developer
  • Martin Bürge - Developer
  • Nikolai Plath - Developer and Translations

Der Name Joomla! ist ein eingetragenes Markenzeichen der Open Source Matters aus den USA und anderen Ländern.
ist kein Bestandteil der Open Source Matters oder des Joomla! Projekts.